FPSC July jobs 2020 | FPSC consolidated advertisement 05/2020
FPSC has announced lots of job vacancies in different sectors. All rumors proved wrong regarding the abolishing of FPSC. There are many more jobs coming out next month.
Let's have a look at fpsc jobs of July month.
Consolidated Advertisement No. 5/2020
Intending candidates may apply online up to 20th July 2020 for the following vacancies. Also, visit FPSC’s website for details mentioned in the General Instructions
to the candidates.
64 Case No. F.4- 7/2020-R ( 5 /2020)
Name of Post Qualification Age Limits Gender
Assistant Private
Secretary (BS-16)
(i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s
degree from a University recognized by HEC.
(ii) Minimum shorthand speed: 100 w.p.m. and
typing speed: 50 w.p.m.
(iii) Must be computer literate.
20-28 years plus five (5) years
general relaxation in the upper age limit
Both male and female candidates are eligible.
Detail of Vacancies
S.No Ministry/ Department No. of
Status Quota/ Allocation
(i) Finance Division 14 Temporary Merit= Two, Punjab= Eight (Open Merit=
Seven and Minorities/ Non-Muslim quota=
One), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Women quota)=
One, Balochistan= One and EXFATA= Two.
(ii) Pakistan Customs Department,
Revenue Division, Federal
Board of Revenue
15 Permanent Merit= One, Punjab=Eight (Open Merit=
Seven and Women quota=One) Sindh(Rural)
=Two, Sindh (Urban)= One, Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa= Two and Balochistan= One
(iii) Military Finance Wing,
Finance Division
1 Permanent Punjab= One
(iv) Management Services Wing,
Establishment Division
5 Permanent Punjab= Three (Open Merit= Two and Women
quota= One), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa= One and
Balochistan= One
(v) Federal Medical & Dental
College, Ministry of National
Health Services, Regulations
and Coordination
All rumors about fpsc ban on social media proved wrong , hence fpsc has announced bps 16 grade post in federal department in new advertisement
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